• Read the Rules first before editing or creating content on the Chwiki.
• Care landing page
- Feeding - Diet recommendations, snack suggestions, harmful foods, etc.
- Living Space - Coop and run recommendations (Square footage, predator protection, lamps, etc.)
- Enrichment - Suggestions for activities and objects to keep your flock happy and boredom-free
- Medical - Injury/illness diagnosis and treatment, and a general health checkup list
- Chick-Specific Care - Care and feeding for the little ones!
- Emergency Care - Recommendations for time-sensitive health issues and emergency preparedness
- Chickens and other species - Predator list, how to deal with predators, Other pets around Chickens of all breeds
• Training - (e.g. Making friends with a fighty rooster, teaching chooks to jump or fly, etc.)
• Breed Information - Details on the different varieties of Gallus gallus domesticus - Uses, pros/cons, etc. Pictures included.
• Other Junglefowl - Details on other Gallus species including where they live, their physiology and any extinct species
• Breeding and Incubation - Instruction on how to get birds together, make fertile eggs, and hatch them
• Research - What we know about chicken and poultry behavior from scientific studies
• History - The history of the domestication of chickens and other poultry
• Cultural History - The history of chickens and other poultry in culture and mythology
• FAQ - Various aspects of chickens and chicken keeping that people want to know most often
• Resources - External links for information on chickens and other poultry